
Bissell ProHeat 2X Healthy Home Upright Deep Cleaner, 66Q4 Review

Bissell ProHeat 2X Healthy Home Upright Deep Cleaner, 66Q4
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My carpet is old and due for replacement. While this Bissell carpet cleaner couldn't remove years of wear, it did remove a surprising volume of dirt. At first, I didn't think it was really doing all that much. But once I emptied out the tank, my God, what a filthy carpet I was walking on! The used water was a very dark gray bordering on black. Yuck!
There's a handy little spinning wheel icon on the base of the unit (aka the flow gauge) that tells you if everything's going according to plan, or if you need to change the water, add cleaning fluid or some other issue. If it's spinning, you're in good shape. When it stops, you need to fill or empty the tank(s).
The cleaner has 4 different "custom clean" settings. I mostly used the "normal clean" setting and then switched to "heavy traffic" for the dirtiest regions. The "Dry Aire" feature sends hot air to your carpet to aid in drying. As I write this, my living room is somewhat humid and the floor is damp. I don't think it will take long to dry though.
A small bottle of Bissell cleaning solution is included. Do yourself a favor and buy a larger bottle before this item arrives. You'll go through it pretty quickly, so probably best to buy a decent sized refill in advance of delivery. Otherwise, you are flat-out going to run out of cleaning fluid before the job is done.
So what's not to like? Well, it's somewhat heavy and bulky. For someone small and weaker, it might be a bit hard to move around. Obviously, it rolls on the carpet fine, so that's not an issue. But it's a big unit and you probably need at least a little bit of muscle (but not too much) to use it properly. The tank filled with water might be a bit heavy for some as well. You carry it like a bucket, but toting around a bucket full of water and bending down to insert and remove the tank isn't a simple thing for someone without a moderate amount of strength.
Assembly was quite easy. You put the top half into the bottom half and secure it with 3 Phillips screws. Nothing too tricky there. The tool rack requires a touch more attention. The illustration was not as clear as I would have liked and it took a bit of head scratching to figure out where a couple of tools sit on the rack. You'll figure it out, but again the illustration could be clearer.
While the top of the hose rack secures with a screw, the bottom does not. I noticed that one other reviewer said that the bottom of the rack (no screw to secure it) would not stay in place. I initially had the same problem. However, I looked at that bottom rack a bit closer and there's a tab that needs to snap in place and if you don't do it just right, it will keep falling off. Play with it and you'll see what I mean. If that bottom hose rack is popping off, you probably haven't installed it correctly. It's not hard, but you need to slide the lower hose rack piece in just right so that it clicks and locks into place. It's not just gravity that's holding it in place, but that's what you'll think if you don't do it right.
The only other problems I had was that my knee and/or the cord kept knocking the hose off of the hose rack and onto the floor. I'm no engineer, but I think it could somehow be secured a bit better. Once, I knocked the hose off and then put it back on the rack. However, the head's trigger was pushed on the stain brush, which I didn't notice. By the time I discovered that the button was pushed, my leg was very wet and the brush had soaked my wallet and remote control. Fortunately, they are fine, but keep an eye on that so you don't spray cleaning fluid where you don't want it. Also, the coiled power cord rests right next to the coiled hose and they interfere with each other. I can't help but think that they could have designed this a bit better.
I went back and forth as to whether to give this unit 4 or 5 stars. If you solely look at whether it does what you expect it to, it's a 5 star item. It cleans your carpet well and gets out a lot of visible dirt. There are a few minor issues, but overall this is a nice carpet cleaner and it cleans very well. However, I knocked that hose off so many times either with my knee or the cord that I have to give it 4 stars.
I think that this Bissell will go a long way towards keeping your carpets looking nice and potentially extending the life of your flooring. I recommend it, despite a few minor issues.

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